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Hip Flexor ExercisesAnother Muscle that Can Contribute to Back Pain
Find out how to correctly perform these hip flexor exercises. And in the process possibly help your lower back pain!
Your hip flexor muscle attaches from your hip and part of it attaches to the vertebrae in your lower back. Therefore, when your hip flexor muscles are tight, they can pull your lower back into more of an arched position, placing additional strain on it. Your hip flexor is a deep muscle in the front of your hip and when it is tight can also cause a hip flexor injury.
There are several different hip flexor exercises. You can try different ways and see which position you feel a better stretch.
Hip Flexor Stretch Standing
Stand in a fencer position with the right foot in front of the left.
Shift your weight toward the front leg until you feel a stretch in the front of the left hip.
Your back knee will be almost straight.
Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.
Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.
Hip Flexor Stretch Laying on Your Stomach
Lay on your stomach.
Place your hands under your shoulders and push your upper body off the table keeping your hips on the table until a stretch is felt in the front of the thighs.
Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.
Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.
If you are seeking to gain more knowledge on how your body works and how best to take care of it, consider taking courses in healthcare at Creighton University online.
Hip Flexor Stretch Laying on Your Back
Lay on your back.
Pull your right knee into your chest by placing your hands behind your right thigh. Make sure to hold this knee into your chest to get the best result from this stretch.
Allow the left leg to lower to the table with the knee straight until a stretch is felt in the front of the left hip.
If no stretch is felt, do this same stretch at the edge of the table where it will allow your left leg can be lowered further toward the floor.
Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.
Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.
Share your favorite stretching exercise with us!
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